Shannon Waltchack renovating West Homewood neighborhood retail center

Local commercial real estate firm Shannon Waltchack is renovating and rebranding “Westwood,” the West Homewood shopping center on Oak Grove Road across from Patriot Park.

CCR Architecture & Interiors is the designer, and Cook Construction is the general contractor.

“I think West Homewood has so much potential — we wanted to be a good steward of the property for the community. If you look across the country, you’ll see these small, old retail nodes springing back to life as customers crave walkability.”

Derek Waltchack, Shannon Waltchack

The shopping center was a grocery store with a lunch counter in the 1950s. It currently houses several businesses including Ash, the anchor tenant and inspiration for the design scheme.

The design references the restaurant’s wood-fired grill with a base coat of black and gradients of blues and other colors. The renovation also will include a mural that is pending city approval.

The developers hope that the project will attract new tenants to build on the revitalization that Ash and Pizzeria GM nearby have started in the area.

Learn more in the article originally published by Birmingham Business Journal.